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Auto trading program improvement ideas

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Summarized by durumis AI

  • This article presents ideas for improving the functionality of the grid trading automation program, suggesting the addition of short-term application features, big event management features, investment management logic, short position application, and setting buy/sell amounts.
  • In particular, it aims to improve the current system's drawbacks as of May 2024, which include involuntary long-term investment, volatility during big events, difficulty in investment management, the limitation of only supporting long positions, and the inconvenience of percent-based buy/sell settings.
  • The author's desire to improve the automated trading system for greater efficiency and investment performance is evident, and an open attitude is demonstrated in actively seeking the opinions of readers to develop it together.

Organizing thoughts seems to have many positive aspects. It may sound strange, but as I re-organized my thoughts about grid trading, I came up with features that would be great to add to my current automated program. 👍
I'll apply them someday?! If you have any better ideas, please feel free to leave a comment or send me an email.

  • Short-term application features
    It would be nice if you could set the time to deploy and collect the grid. Currently, there is no time to collect, which is leading to involuntary long-term investments. And we need a function to calculate the indicators to judge short-term application. (RSI value can be used to determine pause/start/stop loss, etc.)
  • Big event management function (Why does the market explode every time there's an announcement... this should be used in a positive way too, right?)
    Stock prices are extremely volatile based on big events. It's hard to judge good or bad, but it may be more rewarding to hold at that point. (Psychological stability, etc.) Especially for grid trading, the buy/sell process is carried out until the set grid is reached, so the downside is open. If you hold and then experience a sudden drop, you will continue buying from the dropped price at the time of restarting, so you will be in a better position to deploy the grid. On the other hand, if you hold and then experience a sudden surge, you will sell the grid further than the grid position, so you will be able to achieve a higher return on investment than expected.
  • Investment investment management logic
    And if you have more investment funds available, you have to think about it every time you invest. Should I attach it to the bottom or put it in the current tier...? There's no right answer, but I thought it would be nice to have a feature where you could easily set it as an option. If the downside is open and it's not working, you should make it work by attaching it to the downside, and if it's working hard in the middle tier, you'll want to increase the investment in the nearby tiers to increase profits.
  • Short position (?)
    Currently, what I've implemented is stock trading, which is a long position. I haven't tried grid trading for coins, but considering that profits can be made with a short position, it seems to be worth researching. If you think it will trade sideways in this range and eventually return to its original position, it seems rational to take both long and short positions. (Review of SOXS?!)
  • Setting buy/sell by amount
    Currently, buy/sell is expressed as a percentage, and the buy/sell price is calculated and judged. Of course, you can set the amount and percentage to be the same, but it's difficult to express 100% when using percentages. Therefore, directly entering the buy/sell amount may result in a larger gap between tiers, but it may be a way to avoid stopping as much as possible.


I've highlighted the downsides. Do you think you can relate?! There are definitely downsides, but I'm going to continue using automated trading using grid trading. I haven't found a better investment strategy that will bring me more profit yet. If you have any better information, would you please share it with me out of pity?! Please. ㅠ_ㅠ

And please, let Santa rally come this year-end in 22. Please.

I hope the Santa rally continues in 2022.

I hope this will make this year-end meaningful for all of us, including myself. 🙏

(로또 사는 아빠) 살림 하는 엄마
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