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Manual Therapy: Pros and Cons of Twice a Week, Two-Month Treatment

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Summarized by durumis AI

  • Manual therapy is a non-surgical treatment method that uses hands to restore the function of muscles and joints. It aims to relieve pain and muscle relaxation through personalized treatment.
  • While it has the advantage of being a non-surgical treatment, it also has disadvantages such as cost burden, frequency of treatment, and temporary effects. It is important to choose the right treatment method by consulting with a professional.
  • Manual therapy can help improve quality of life by addressing the underlying causes of bodily imbalances and pain, contributing to a healthier life.

Manual therapy: A journey to improve quality of life beyond pain

Hello! Today, I would like to share my personal experience with manual therapy. As an IT professional, I spent long hours sitting down, which led to severe back, wrist, and shoulder pain. I started receiving manual therapy for relief.

Understanding Manual Therapy

Manual therapy is a non-surgical treatment method that uses hands to restore the function of muscles and joints. Personalized treatment is provided based on the patient's condition and needs, aiming to alleviate pain and relax muscles after identifying the root cause.

Advantages of Manual Therapy

  • Non-surgical treatment: A safe method that can alleviate pain without surgery.
  • Personalized treatment: Customized treatment is possible considering the different body structures and lifestyles of each patient.
  • Pain reduction and physical improvement: Pain in muscles and joints can be reduced and motor skills can be improved through accurate techniques and methods.

Disadvantages of Manual Therapy

  • Cost: There may be a significant cost burden as some treatments are not covered by insurance.
  • Number of treatments: Multiple treatments may be required depending on the condition, which can be time-consuming and costly.
  • Temporary effects and pain: There is a risk of recurrence and intense pain may be experienced during treatment.

Things to know before receiving manual therapy

Before receiving manual therapy, it is important to have a thorough consultation with a professional to understand your condition, treatment methods, and expected costs. You should carefully consider the pros and cons and also make efforts to resolve the underlying cause.

Personal experience and feedback

Through manual therapy, I understood the underlying cause of my body imbalance and pain, and my quality of life improved significantly as I actively worked to improve it. I realized that it is important to work towards fundamental improvement rather than just temporary pain relief.


Manual therapy has its drawbacks, but if chosen well and consistently, it can be of great help in improving quality of life and managing pain. If you are considering manual therapy, I encourage you to seek a professional consultation to find the right treatment for you.

Manual therapy not only helps with physical pain but also provides mental stability and improves quality of life. It is important to understand your body better and manage it correctly. I hope you can regain a healthy life through manual therapy.

(로또 사는 아빠) 살림 하는 엄마
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