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Key Points to Know Before Receiving Manual Therapy

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Summarized by durumis AI

  • Manual therapy should be received from a professional, and it is important to consult before treatment and inform them immediately if you experience any pain during treatment.
  • Consistent management and stretching are required even after treatment, and it can be combined with other treatments.
  • While manual therapy has positive effects, you should be aware of the precautions and follow the advice of professionals to ensure safe and effective treatment.

Hello! This post is for those who are considering manual therapy. We'll introduce the precautions you need to know before receiving manual therapy. Manual therapy can be very helpful in resolving muscle and joint problems when performed correctly, but incorrect approaches can lead to injury, so caution is required.

1. Receive treatment from a qualified professional

Manual therapy should only be received from a therapist who has received specialized training. This is especially important if you have complex symptoms or old injuries.

2. Consult before treatment

It is important to inform your therapist about your symptoms, health status, and any previous injury history before treatment. This will allow you to create a personalized treatment plan.

3. Report pain during treatment

Everyone's pain sensitivity is different. If you experience any pain or discomfort during treatment, you should immediately inform your therapist.

4. Be mindful of your reaction after treatment

You may experience discomfort or side effects after treatment. If these symptoms persist, consult with a professional.

5. Personalized treatment plan

Every patient's situation is different, so you need to develop a treatment plan with your manual therapist.

6. Continuous management after treatment

Even after manual therapy, it is important to maintain continuous management through regular stretching and exercise. Sufficient rest before and after treatment is also important.

7. Combining with other treatments

If necessary, you can proceed with other treatments in addition to manual therapy.


While manual therapy has many benefits, it is important to keep certain precautions in mind before and after receiving treatment. It is important to follow the professional's advice and receive treatment. A cautious approach is needed to maximize the safety and effectiveness of the treatment.

It's best to prevent it by stretching regularly. +_+

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